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a prostitute’s wish
卖油郎独占花魁女  detail>>
 n.  妓女;卖身投靠的人,出卖贞操的人。  adj.  卖淫的;堕落的。  vt.  ...  detail>>
a prostitute and a general
赛金花  detail>>
literary prostitute
文侩 文痞  detail>>
patronizing a prostitute
嫖娼,嫖妓  detail>>
prostitute guest
妓女的客人  detail>>
story of a prostitute
春妇传  detail>>
tears of a prostitute
烟花泪  detail>>
the prostitute and the adolescent
妓女和少年  detail>>
a wish
礼物  detail>>
is wish that
有希望  detail>>
the wish
愿望  detail>>
 vt.  1.希望,但愿〔以略去 that 的从句作宾语〕。 I wish (that) it would rain. 我希望会下雨(就好了)。 I wish I we...  detail>>
wish for
渴望某物 盼望, 企求 盼望,希望,想要 希望得到 想得到,渴望 欲望,愿望  detail>>
wish on
把强加于 强加于  detail>>
wish to
她要我陪你去  detail>>
flower of literature and art prostitute
文艺之花  detail>>
i want to be a prostitute
我想当妓女  detail>>